Ever wish you could have someone just look at your business and tell you how to fix it so you can get more clients?

Here's your chance:

⬇︎ Only 4 free spots left! ⬇︎


If you’ve been having trouble booking the clients you need for your small business or it’s been crickets when you post on social media, then this is for you!

Once you sign up for your Review, here’s what will happen:

  • You’ll be immediately sent to a diagnostic form to fill out so you can let me know exactly what you’ve been struggling with the most.

  • Once I receive your information, I’ll go over your business in great detail. I’ll record a personal screen share video for you looking at the main things that will help improve your business and ability to get clients.

  • You’ll receive valuable tips, feedback, and advice that will let you know where you need to make strategic changes to your business that will improve performance and make it easier to book clients. Think of this as us just having a friendly chat over coffee but you walk away with a goldmine of information about your small business!

  • Your custom personalized video will be sent to you within 48 hours so you can immediately begin to implement the advice and strategies I’ve offered.

Think of this as you winning the business lottery. This is your chance to get my eyes on your business to help you find what needs fixing and what isn’t functioning. I’ll provide you with valuable feedback that you can use to improve your small business and get clients.

The Review is perfect for you if:

  • You’re having trouble consistently booking clients and selling services

  • You feel like you’re spinning your wheels and don’t know what you should actually be doing for your small business

  • If you designed your own website 

  • Aren’t sure if your website is easy for potential clients to use and book with you

  • You’re struggling to create messaging that actually reflects what your business does and who you do it for

  • Posting on social media feels like a waste of time because it just results in crickets every time you post

Perfect for any small service-based businesses that book clients and sell services.

What’s included in THE REVIEW:

  • 48 hour turnaround: A fast turnaround allows you to start making changes fast

  • Overall audit of your small business: I’ll look at your website, your brand messaging, and social media

  • Video Recording Review: You’ll receive a personal and custom video video recording of your review that you can watch as many times as you need

  • Valuable feedback: This will let you know where you need to make strategic changes to your business that will improve its performance

  • Action Strategies: You’ll walk away with actionable steps that you can implement right away to boost the trust in your business, improve your messaging, and help get clients

I will look at your business and provide feedback on 3 main criteria:

  • These are the elements that are present or missing that affect the trustworthiness and credibility of your business that will cause potential clients to lose interest in ever booking with you.

  • I will look at the overall user experience of your website such as: is it easy to use, can the client easily find what they’re looking for and book with you, and if the overall design is appealing and makes your business look professional and legitimate.

  • I'll examine your business and brand messaging to see if it clearly explains what you do, exactly how you do it, and what problem you solve for your ideal client.

    Without clear messaging it makes it very difficult to book client and sell services.

Not included: keyword or SEO audit

Once your Review is complete, you’ll walk away with easy strategies you can implement right away to improve your business and boost client bookings.